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A yet2 client is seeking solution providers and technologies to enhance the efficiency of offshore pipeline removal. Over 5000km of fixed pipeline will need to be removed over the next 30 years in the client’s area of interest under current basecase regulatory requirements.

The primary focus is on identifying improvements or alternatives to currently used processes—such as ‘cut and lift’, re-reeling, and reverse S-lay. Approaches of interest, which may be adapted from other industries, will target either improved safety and efficiency and/or reduced environmental impact of offshore pipeline removal operations.



The removal of offshore pipelines is logistically challenging. Established pipeline removal processes often rely on the use of large-scale, specialized vessels and are characterized by significant operational risk profiles. The characteristics of the pipeline, particularly its diameter, composition and the presence of protective coatings (such as concrete), also result in limitations on which of the established methodologies can be used in each case.

Alternative methodologies and enabling solutions and technologies are therefore sought in order to reduce reliance on the use of specialised vessels, which account for a significant portion of the overall cost of the operation and introduces uncertainties in timing due to their limited availability and weather constraints.

Primary Focus:

  • Modular or Adaptable Operations Technology Solutions: Technologies that support the development of a safe, efficient alternative to existing removal processes for offshore pipelines (preferably deployable from a range of vessels if required).
  • Technologies & Solutions for Improved Efficiency & Reduced Risk that can be applied to existing pipeline removal processes.  This could include:
    • Innovative cutting or lifting technologies, potentially deployable from any suitable vessel, offering a high-efficiency decommissioning approach (for example, internally deployable cutting solutions).
    • Technologies which remove coatings before the pipeline goes through tensioners during a reverse S-lay operation.
  • Environmental Impact Reduction:
    • Coating Capture technologies: Solutions that capture the debris arising from coating removal operations or the spalling of coatings off the body of the pipeline during its recovery after cutting or as part of a reverse S-lay operation.
    • Weld Protection Removal: In-situ removal of protective coatings applied to welded connection points between pipeline sections (often comprising polypropylene).
  • Autonomous or Remotely Operated Systems and Sensors: Systems that enable continuous monitoring and which increase operational safety and efficiency by minimizing human intervention in hazardous environments.


Additional Considerations:

  • Pipe Transfer Improvement Technologies: Technologies or methodologies to enhance the efficiency and safety of moving recovered pipe sections onto a transfer barge.
  • Recovery of Samples from In-Situ Pipelines: Technologies or methods for obtaining samples from in-situ pipelines for testing, enabling the assessment of pipeline condition, material integrity, or contamination without full removal.


Solution requirements:

The Client has immediate decommissioning needs and is also planning for future operations (as far out as the next 10-20 years.)

Estimated timeframes and the key requirements of pathways to commercial application should be outlined for emerging technologies (i.e. ‘ready now’ vs 1/5/10 year maturation pathways).

Various partnership and collaboration models are possible, including joint development, technology co-creation, and other collaborative arrangements.

Potential solutions from a variety of industries are, therefore, welcomed alongside those already developing innovative technologies to address current challenges and future needs in offshore pipeline decommissioning.


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Image by Bing AI

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