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Our client is seeking technologies that can reduce the water usage required throughout the entire mining process, from extraction to tailings. Preferably, potential solutions should be suitable for potential commercialization within the next five years to 10 years, although longer term solutions are of interest.



Mining currently consumes huge volumes of water, with around 40% used in ore processing, around 40% in tailings ponds and 20% for other processing. As a result of climate change and the increasing pressure on water supplies and the need to efficiently use water, the mining industry will need to adopt technologies that are less dependent upon water, with the ultimate ambition to become waterless throughout the entire mining process.



  • Reduce the total amount of water required for the mining process independent of water recycling technology.
  • Suitable solutions will either reduce the amount of water needed per ton of ore (water intensity) during the grinding, cyclone, and/or flotation circuit, or reduce the run of mine volume without reducing ore volume.
  • Be suitable for commercialization within the next five years to 10 years.


Possible Solution Areas:

  • Electrostatic separator
  • Magnetic Separators
  • Specific Gravity separator
  • Solvometallurgy/ chemical extraction
  • Bioleaching/extraction
  • Technologies that reduce the run of mine volume without reducing ore volume


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