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Syngenta is seeking technologies capable of precisely inserting a DNA fragment into plant genomes. Solutions with carrying capacity for cargo greater than 10 kilobase (kb) are of particular interest, as well as techniques that improve insertion efficiency. As a leader in agricultural technologies, Syngenta employs science-based innovations that can transform food security and sustainability. Syngenta scientists are seeking novel or reimagined technologies capable of inserting a DNA fragment >10kb into a genome. Ideal solutions will have insertion efficiency equivalent to or exceeding that of Cre-Lox recombinase technology to support more effective genetic transformation and editing.

Submit your idea

Closing date: January 31, 2025

Have questions? Speak to us or email our contact above.

Shoots by Syngenta

Shoots by SyngentaTM is an invitation to the world’s brightest minds – a call for people to come together and tackle some of the world’s most complex agricultural challenges: for nature, farmers and food security.

It’s this kind of responsive network that we’re building at Syngenta, bringing together individuals and organizations with a shared goal: to feed the world while protecting the planet.

No single organization can tackle this alone, so help us accelerate agricultural innovation through collaboration.

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