Expanding Your Network: How Broadcast Channels Drive yet2’s Success

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Words by Carlos Pichardo


Welcome to the second installment of our networking blog series. In this post, we explore a powerful network source beyond direct relationships: broadcast channels.

These channels provide an opportunity to send your message to the masses. Discover how setting up a global network of syndication partners, broker partners, and other key broadcast channels can drive success.


Syndication Sensations

Syndication partners help promote and grow industry events. yet2 collaborates with a range of partners, from large corporations to governmental agencies, to extend our reach. One of the best ways budding companies can find chances to flex their prowess are through innovation challenges.

yet2 has abundant experience setting up, marketing, and platforming these innovation challenges. Our syndication partners help promote these challenges to their networks. By combining our network with our syndication partner’s, yet2 can reach millions.

One standout example from our growing roster of syndication partners is Konfer. Konfer excels in broadcasting challenges and connecting experts, research projects, and businesses in the UK, particularly within universities and academia. Konfer is a great example of a syndication partnership that drives early-stage success.

Their emphasis on the academic space ensures that yet2 is reaching a technical audience full of potential solution providers. Additionally, since Konfer is broadcasting innovation challenges to larger institutions, there’ll likely be further spillover.

For example, a grad school professor might see a challenge post and recommend it to a student or an academic consulting a tech company could prompt a submission. Konfer has been great for driving visibility to our submission portals and we’ve had a meaningful number of entries sourced from this key partnership.


Global Brokers…Richer Solutions

yet2’s global broker partners are a network of seasoned professionals and firms specializing in diverse industries and regions worldwide. Their local knowledge and established connections enable yet2 to identify and engage with potential solution providers beyond our competitors’ reach.

A recent project seeking cold plasma technologies in Europe and Asia illustrates the value of our broker network, where our local broker partners made a crucial difference.

Our German partner’s extensive network and lack of language barriers allowed for more effective scouting. Often while scouting, it takes a few contact points to generate a lead. Being unable to communicate directly with key personnel can impede progress. Our broker partner helped mitigate this problem and opened us to broader solution providers in Germany.

In Korea, our broker partner’s connections in the academic space were a huge boon. They were very helpful in scouting and putting new potential solution providers on yet2’s radar. Furthermore, they reached out to companies and professors on our behalf, which was an excellent foot in the door.

They even translated scientific papers, keying yet2 in on the relevant technical discourse. With their help, yet2 was able to provide a comprehensive workup of cold plasma technology in Korea.

The work of our broker partners in Germany and Korea demonstrates the impact of leveraging a network of global broker partners. It opens up a whole range of possibilities and outcomes otherwise unattainable!



Active Projects

yet2’s Active Projects page hosts all of yet2’s public projects. With over 450+ projects it’s a great way to let potential solution providers find challenges they didn’t know existed. Along with 30+ industries to filter by, yet2 makes it easy for anyone to find projects relevant to them. Every project page clearly outlines the Tech Need, what a good solution looks like, and who to contact if you can help.


Social Media Outreach

yet2 actively uses platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to share insights, updates, and opportunities with our global audience. Come join a community of thousands of budding innovators, startup founders, and CEOs eager to find new opportunities!



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Image by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

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